How do we write an essay
Friday, August 28, 2020
Blue Ocean Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Blue Ocean Strategy - Research Paper Example To break out of red seas, the blue sea methodology proposes that organizations must break out of the acknowledged limits that characterize how they contend. These precise limits are distinguished by the six ways system as: industry, key gatherings, purchaser gatherings, extent of item or administration contributions, useful passionate direction of an industry, and time (â€Å"Blue Ocean Strategy,†2011). The principal way that we see Wii used to make a blue sea was the purchaser gatherings. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 depend on clients as their essential core interest. Thus their systems are equipped towards expanding their clients experience through steady advancement and arrangement of new innovations, for example, HD, designs, etc. Despite what might be expected, Wii picked to target buyers and influencers for example guardians and doctors through advancement of items that everybody in the family can appreciate. This has improved the probability of state, guardians, buying Wii games rather than PS3 or Xbox 360 for their kids. The second way that the Wii used to make a blue sea for itself is the item scope. While the two significant gaming contenders adhered to the conviction that gaming was a safeguard for a particular age gathering, the Wii extended its market by creating items that could cut over all age bunches from pre-youngsters to senior residents. The Wii Healthy classification of games contains items that grandparents and grandkids could undoubtedly play with together.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay about WWII Concentration Camps
Article about WWII Concentration Camps Article about WWII Concentration Camps The Holocaust was a period of torment for Jewish individuals and different strict gatherings. A man named Adolf Hitler made inhumane imprisonments to crush the Jews. A Nazi was an individual from the National Socialist German Worker’s party. The Nazis worked for Hitler to catch the Jews and send them to inhumane imprisonments. During the Holocaust, death camps were repulsive spots in light of the fact that the Nazis treated their casualties like foulness and crooks and few were left to endure. The inhumane imprisonments were requested by a savage man named Adolf Hitler to focus foes of Hitler’s Reich into jail camps. A death camp was known as a detainment site outside the ordinary jail framework to limit, threaten, and slaughter regular folks. At first camps were made for adversaries of the system and the term was first utilized for the camps in the Boer War in 1900 to 1902. The word â€Å"reconcentrados†was at that point utilized in 1896 when individuals were kept to death camps in Cuba. The English word was taken over into German in the structure â€Å"Konzentrationslager.†The principal inhumane imprisonment opened in Oranienburg Germany in 1933 and activity started soon thereafter. The Jewish individuals were not sent to camps basically for being Jewish until 1938. Camps additionally began in Soviet Russia in 1935. The name of the principal camp was Dachau and filled in as a model for different camps that followed. The tormenting of the Jews in the inhumane imprisonments was completely ghastly. Camps dehumanized the prisoners every which way. Breakfast comprised of a cut of bread, ground-up oak seeds and water. The early afternoon feast comprised of a soup of potato strips and beet, and supper another cut of bread. Individuals turn in eating grass and roots so as to endure. Starvation would slaughter the greater part of the individuals in the camps. The Jewish individuals would be made to support hours together for their move calls. After families were isolated, individuals would be deprived of their assets and a distinguishing proof number would be inked to their lower arms. The ladies, youngsters and old were placed into one gathering and sound and tough men framed another. The gathering of solid individuals was made to do hard, arduous occupations for the duration of the day. The sterile condition was exceptionally poor and cleaning up was impossible. Passing would prowl around the bend of sleeping shelter. The most widely recognized type of death was illness. Toward the beginning of the day, 60% of the individuals in military enclosure didn't wake up. Casualties were beaten brutally in the event that they neglected to play out their day by day errands or made a mistake. Once in a while if the casualties endeavored to get away, they would be penetrated with a slug through their bodies. The dead would be covered in enormous rock or dumped into trucks. These camps of torment were situated all through Germany and Eastern Europe. Constantly period of inhumane imprisonments, the first camps were shut. The new camps were set up in Sachesenhauen, Buchwald, Mauthausen, and Ravensbruck which were completely settled in Austria around 1936 to 1939. There were different nations where inhumane imprisonments were found. The names of these nations were: Germany, Estonia, Finland, Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Yugoslavia, and Holland. Not exclusively did the terrible Nazis catch the Jews, they caught different strict gatherings too. They caught more than 3,000,000 Jewish individuals paying little mind to age or sexual orientation. The Saleschutz family was taken in the winter of 1941. A youthful individual named Rudolf Urba was seventeen years of age when he was caught in June 1942. Urba functioned as a slave worker in Auschwitz. Eleven million individuals were executed during the Holocaust. 2,000,000 of these individuals were Catholics, three
Friday, August 21, 2020
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas Essay -- Film Movie Movies Films Las Ve
Dread And Loathing In Las Vegas The story starts suddenly, as we locate our fake saints out in the desert in transit to the keen hotel of Las Vegas. The creator utilizes a strained drifter as a mode, or a reason, for a flashback that uncovered the plot. A questionable character got in the desert who Raoul Duke, the primary character, wants to disclose things to, to assist him with breathing a sigh of relief. They had two sacks of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of powerful blotting surface corrosive, a salt shaker half-loaded with cocaine, and an entire universe of diverse uppers, killjoys, screamers, laughers....Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, an instance of Budweiser, a 16 ounces of crude either, and two dozen amyls. They were on task from a popular brandishing magazine in New York, to cover the fourth Annual Mint 400 earth bicycle and ridge carriage race. A savage excursion to the core of the American dream.Before one can survey the film Dread and Loathing in Las Vegas, he should initially look into the full length novel of a similar name. The book previously showed up in 1971 in issues 95 and 96 of Rolling Stone magazine, distributed November eleventh and 25th individually. Despite the fact that the two section arrangement expressed its creator was somebody called Raoul Duke, the story was copyrighted in 1971 by Hunter S. Thompson. Raoul Duke is really the bogus name under which Hunter Thompson depicts himself as principle character and narrator.The film was created in the early goings of summer in 199...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Get the Most Out of Social Research Topics
Get the Most Out of Social Research TopicsThe social research topics that you need to know about on the internet are a large and diverse spectrum. Now, to answer that query, let us consider a list of some of the most important information or research topics that you need to know about on the internet:You can find some of the most important information on how to earn more from social media sites, research about the most effective and popular social networking sites for business owners, the ways to increase the number of visitors to your websites. There are some statistics and information about Twitter users that are very helpful to business owners and website developers.A lot of social research topics related to Facebook are meant to provide useful information for professional service providers and accountants, such as how to get the most out of the online advertising channels. On the same note, you can learn a lot of information about Facebook community processes, and how to get in c ontact with these social media sites. These social media research topics can be very useful to Facebook and other social media networking sites administrators and moderators.Besides Facebook, you can also get helpful information on the topics of Twitter and LinkedIn. These are not news but also interesting research topics that are designed to bring professional, business-related information to the masses. There are some points to be remembered before you think of following LinkedIn or Twitter.There are quite a few ways to evaluate the statistics, tips and information about the social media sites. You can either do your own research or you can join a website that provides you with the necessary information to be able to make informed decisions. You can then send the proper information to the interested people you know in order to gather more important information about social media sites. There are some best online sources to get all the information and resources that you need about social media marketing and social media websites.There are many professional social media software companies, who offer their services to analyze and monitor the social media community. There are many professional services and agencies that provide their services on making all the best social media websites available. You can then find the most professional-grade software programs that are beneficial to social media marketing, in order to attract more visitors and clients to your website. You will have to make sure that you find the most professional social media software company that can give you the best advice and information on social media.These are just some of the many social research topics that you need to know about on the internet. There are many more that you can learn about social marketing research.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Can The Present System Be Defended Example For Free - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1916 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Whether or not the current financial system is preferred to gold standard or whether or not gold standard is a solution for financial crisis is actually subjective. Before going into detail discussion on this, we must first examine the factors of financial crisis and later see whether these factors are related or dependent on the current financial system, and to what degree it affects the financial crisis. Financial crisis for each country are distinct but among the main common case are cause is banking crisis, in which it is a crisis that affect the bank activity include bank runs which affect one bank and bank panics that affects many bank, why does this crisis occur? This occurs when all the depositors claim for cash withdrawal when there are sudden decline in confidence fear that the bank will be closed or go bankrupt, i.e. many depositors withdraw cash almost simultaneously. Since the cash reserve a bank keeps on hand is only a small fraction of its deposi ts, a large number of withdrawals in a short period of time can deplete available cash and force the bank to close and possibly go out of business. Bank creates money when they made loans by giving borrower paper money that was not fully backed by gold reserve and that seems to be the problem. Asset-liability mismatch is also one of the causes for bank crisis. Mismatch between the two occur in a situation which the risks associated with an institutions debts and assets are not appropriately aligned. For example, commercial banks offer deposit accounts which can be withdrawn at any time and they use the proceeds to make long-term loans to businesses and homeowners. The mismatch between the banks short-term liabilities (its deposits) and its long-term assets (its loans) is seen as one of the reasons bank runs occur. The second factor for financial crisis is uncontrollable exchange rate fluctuations. Most currencies in the world are free to fluctuate against each other . However, in financial crisis, fluctuates of the exchange rate cant be predict or control. Financial crises that are often associated with significant movements in exchange rates, reflect both increasing risk aversion and changes in the perceived risk of investing in certain currenciy. The reason they fluctuate is simply the change in supply and demand. If a currency is in demand and more than the available supply the price is driven up and it becomes more valuable. If on the other hand the supply is greater than the demand the price is driven down and the currency becomes less valuable. If exchange rate does not fluctuates, or pegged based on the gold standard, government declares that it will exchange its currency for a certain weight in gold. In a pure gold standard, a countrys government declares that it will freely exchange currency for actual gold at the designated exchange rate. This rule of exchange allows anyone to go the central bank and exchange coins or currency for wi th pure gold or vice versa. The gold standard works on the assumption that there are no restrictions on capital movements or export of gold by private citizens across countries. Therefore with gold standard, the world price level depends to the world supply of gold, thus preventing inflation unless and any other economic or financial crisis. The fluctuation of exchange rate is mostly due to unstable currency or threat that the currency could become unstable. There will be no economic or financial crisis with a stable currency. Gold standard or based provides this function which is stability. Long term price stability has been described as a great virtue of gold standard. Under gold standard, high level of inflation is rare, and hyperinflation is nearly impossible as the money supply can only grow at the rate of gold supply increases. There a few monetary crises and problems emerged, due to an unstable currency, for instance, during the 1890s, the U.S. financial system was chro nically unsettled by various threats to devalue the dollar by about 50% through the free coinage of silver, as the Democratic Party demanded. There was a Panic in 1873, which happened while the dollar was a floating currency, before it was re-linked to gold in 1879. The Panic of 1819 came about in the aftermath of a floating dollar during the 1812-1818 periods, which was the result of the War of 1812 with the British. It can be seen that the main cause of it to happen is because the current financial system or paper money used is not backed with gold standard. Absence of gold based money therefore lead to several major problems such as bank crisis, unpredictable fluctuation of exchange rate and so on. Of course, there are also non-monetary factor such as asymmetric information, failure of risk management system complexity and etc but the main factor of financial crisis related to those two factors are more prevalent and thus become and evident that the purpose of a gold standard system is to produce stable money. Though financial crisis may be seen as temporary or short term phenomenon, but in this era globalization it seems like it can be a permanent at one point in time. If financial crisis were to leave to market as a solution, it again rise the problem of government control of the paper money which is not backed. If it were to leave to market for solution government will control the printing of money supply by increasing or decreasing the money supply. Government can also use fiscal policy, lower or rising the interest rate. It is easier to charge interest with paper money than with gold and silver If we are using gold standard, government wouldnt have to charge interest on it and at the first place there will no financial crisis problem. Some had claimed that gold standard actually worsen the financial crisis. This is based on the ground that gold standard actually prevent the financial flexibility. Their point is its a good thing that government can print money when economic is under depression because it can stimulate the economy, but there wouldnt be any depression nor inflation if the currency is stable or if the economy is based on gold currency, such problem of inflation or depression would less likely to occur? Those who claim gold standard cannot be used may not the system because they view it as rigid constraint. They therefore cannot blame or accused gold standard for saying it worsens the economy. Because it actually dont, the problem lies when government give out loans and they borrower end up fail to pay the amount money borrowed, this can be link to the basic principle of spending beyond one means, which can also be applied to government excessive spending, they therefore blamed the gold standard for limiting the printing money activity, this is as if one blame their credit limit for not being able to spend more when they actually should blame their misconduct of excessive spending . It can therefore said, the current financial system cannot be defended fully, this is because fiat money can and is created in arbitrary amounts, and is made available on a favorable basis to the government and commercial banks. Fiat money does not have any substantial backing, is that it relies on the government to maintain its value. Also, it is susceptible to inflation that gold backed money would not. Because value of paper money is not in the money, your more likely to spend it carelessly, as compared to if it was gold and silver. This lead to spending more than one means, when one spend more that its limit, this cause them fail to pay what they borrow which consequently lead to bank insolvency, which is one the factor of financial crisis. Another benefit of gold supply is that it with a gold standard, the money supply naturally tends to grows at a rate to help keep prices stable. For example, if gold became overvalued, then gold miners would have incentive to increase production thus increasing the supply which would reduce the valuation of gold. Similarly, if gold became undervalued, then miners would have incentive to cut back production which would tend to put pressure on the valuation of gold. Therefore, this ensures the stability of the currency. As mentioned above, that current financial system cannot be defended fully means, it may allow some forms of current financial system to be used but since it came with some disadvantages or harm on it as well, perhaps some form of mixture of the two system should be used. In addition to that , not all things about gold standard is always good, like many other things it may not be perfect, but what we can do is take the good things from gold standard, and mixed it the currently used financial system which is fiat money. It is undeniable that fiat money has some advantage over the gold itself otherwise, gold standard would have been continuously used until now, there must be some disadvantages on it. One of the advantages of fi at money over gold is that first, s the paper money is not backed by anything or in other words, no inherent asset value means not convey a title to bearer of that money, while gold is backed by its value. Since fiat money is only a note representing government liability and combining it with good fractional reserve banking, fiat money can be flexible, and therefore, what must be kept for reserve is only a fraction of it. This gives benefit to the bank and government to keep a full reserve without actually having or keeping the full amount of fiat money on hand. A second advantage of fiat money is, government have the advantages of manipulating not only the fiat money but also the interest rate. Since government can control the supply of money, government can pretty much control everything else like controlling the demand; this allows government to manage the economy through the policy (fiscal and monetary policy) instead of just leaving it to self-regulate through market forces. The more control the government has over the market, the more government can control the public and this may not be possible under gold standard system. In addition to that, gold provides a disadvantage which is public indebtedness means there are some restriction on the amount of public and private debt that can be accumulated, especially if the reserve requires 100%. It means here there is actually a limitation of credit expansion under the gold system and as we all know utilization of public debt is crucial in a society as people need to borrow, invest and speed up the economic expxansion, but again this may not be realized under the gold system. Governmemnt therefore need not to establish a full-fledged gold standard-one that the government must be prevented from breaching, but government should combine the two sytem.This is something we have never had. The absence of a good sytem has made it possible for the government to create periodic financial crises and depressions throughout our history. Abolishing controls and moving to this new system will not only help get us out of the current crisis but help prevent future crises as well. The problem of financial crisis therefore cannot be left for market to find the solution, but government must adapt and depend on gold standard to stablize the currrency, which in turn will prevent any economic or financial crisis that may occur. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Can The Present System Be Defended Example For Free" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sociological Perspective Of Punishment Is Economic...
Garland, D. (2015). Sociological perspective of punishment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr. 2015]. The second justification for punishment are economic determinism and class interest. Marxist see punishment in relation to the economic structure of society in which it takes place and to the class system, which as a result it promotes by penal practices and ideologies. In other words, the labour market has an impact on the choice of penal methods, and punishment serves the interest of the dominant class. Following from this Rusche and Kircheimer attempted to show that the penal practices in any society is directly linked to the mode of production, they highlighted that a shift from slavery to feudalism saw a shift in punishment whereby, penal slavery was done away with, and fine was no longer a choice for punishing the majority. Instead, feudalism relied on capital and corporal punishment because at that time there was no need for a labour force (the penal reform, 69) However, when the demand for labour appears to surpass supply, then the state and its penal institution were less inclined to dispense with offenders. An illustration of this can be seen in punishment such as transportation and the house of correction, whereby Capitalism needed more labour so itShow MoreRelatedPunishment in Modern Society3079 Words  | 13 PagesWhy do Marxists argue that there is no such thing as punishment as such? Critically evaluate these arguments. When exploring the substantial role in which punishment plays in society, a number of differing perspectives can be identified. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Personal Ethics free essay sample
Statement of Personal Ethics Jason Poole CMGT530 December 5, 2010 Terry M. Ganzel Statement of Personal Ethics The Webster’s Dictionary defines ethics as â€Å"the study of standards of conduct and moral judgment†(Agnes, 2003). Every day my decisions and actions are tested in a battle between doing what is right or wrong. As I embark on this educational journey with University of Phoenix that same battle is most likely going to occur. This reason alone is enough to want a plan of attack to stay on a righteous path. So throughout the following you will be introduced to my Statement of Personal Ethics. Before I can jump into executing this plan it is important to note what type of influences or temptations there may be. Concerning influences I have to examine both internal and external sources. Internally my attitude, personal commitments, and conduct play a part in the decisions that I make. Whether or not I am happy, sad, depressed, or angry could very well determine that the same situation results being handled in a variety of ways. The next is personal commitments. I make commitments to myself, my family, friends, company, teammates, and university. Throughout all these commitments I have goals and deadlines that I want to achieve. I believe when people are committed to wanting a certain outcome there is a possibility that they will try to take short cuts to arrive at where they want to be. These short cuts could end up being something unethical and wrong. However because you have that strive to achieve, your judgment is at times thrown out the window. The final major internal struggle is conduct. I look at conduct as directly correlated to my reputation or in other words how I am perceived in the eyes of others. From personal experiences I can honestly say that I have either considered or acted in situations that are dangerous and unethical just because I wanted to impress others around me. Externally the struggles I will be faced with are distractions. Distractions will present themselves in a variety of ways: friends, work, television, video games, and sports. I know that there are only so many hours in a day and there are over a thousand activities that those hours could be used for. I know deep down that I am a person who can be easily influenced by people and things around me. Also I do not like to make others upset or create conflict. Since I can remember making friends I always have tried to formulate my actions around what was going to make those around me happy and keep them happy. When I know the type of influences that I am going to come in contact with both internally and externally I can turn attention to methods and resources I will use to create my statement. During this second week in class I was introduced to a few different ways that someone looks at what is ethically important to them. My plan is to use what I learned from primarily three of those ways. The first method we looked at was an approach using the Kohlberg’s Development Stages. In class, this theory was established with an article from Julene Brown. In the article Brown explains that she has both a professional code and personal code of ethics and even states that both codes â€Å"do not differ; rather, the ethics of my workplace and my personal ethics support each other†(Brown, 2007). The Kohlberg’s theory focuses on moral judgment, meaning â€Å"how a person decides which values to act on and whose claims to respect in a situation of moral conflict†. Reimer, 1977) I believed this theory would come in handy because of the type of person I am. Again as mentioned above I act in a way to avoid conflict and keep everyone happy. In this program it will be important that I can look beyond this because there is always going to be one or two parties that I upset or frustrate. However, in this situation I must always remember to do what I think is in m y best interest. An example that I can give would include my friends and my learning team. The scenario would be that there is a new movie that is playing that my friends want to see on a Saturday night, but there is also an assignment that my learning team is expecting me to complete according to our group assignment. In this example, I know that if I stay and complete the assignment that my friends might at first be frustrated but if I were to go to the movie and disregard the assignment my learning team would be upset and end up possibly suffering or pulling my weight due to my actions. I look at this response being based upon what I believe should be my personal conduct and commitments. Also what I feel would be in my best interest is to complete the assignment because there is more riding on successfully completing this program as opposed to being entertained by a new movie. The second method I will look at when creating this statement is that of the organizational value statement. The example that was introduced to us in class was the Credo of the Johnson Johnson Company. Their Credo broke down how the company plans to act for all parties involved: doctors, consumers, employees, stakeholders, et cetera. Just as the Chief Executive Officer is responsible of a company I am in the same way the CEO of my life. I have to be willing to understand my decisions and the consequences both positive and negative that will result from those decisions. The final resource I will use in my statement is that of The University of Phoenix â€Å"Student Code of Academic Integrity†. This code is in place to explain and highlight the type of violations that are considered â€Å"forms of academic dishonesty†(University of Phoenix, 2010) toward the university. This code includes plagiarism, double dipping, fabrication, unauthorized assistance, copyright infringement, misrepresentation, and collusion (University of Phoenix, 2010). Before a student can begin classes it is understood and acknowledged that all â€Å"students accept a responsibility to abide by this Student Code of Academic Integrity†(University of Phoenix, 2010). So I have explained the resources I will use to create what I think will keep me moving in the right direction throughout the completion of my program, so here is my Personal Statement of Ethics. While at the University of Phoenix as I pursue my Master’s Degree, I will promise to act in accordance to the university’s Student Code of Academic Integrity. I will strive to respect all members including faculty, learning team members, and myself. This goal of respect means I will take into consideration the feelings, deadlines, and overall commitments given to me and given to others. It is understood that I will always pull my weight and not make it the responsibility of others to do my work. Also I will use my time effectively so that I can complete assignments on time and not burden myself with the stresses created by procrastination. I will always act in what I believe to be in my best interest and ethically of this program. All outside distractions other than serious family, work, and personal issue will plan to play a second priority throughout the duration of this program. Finally, I will create a weekly plan to highlight all assignments and their due dates. I feel that by exercising these statements I will be able to complete successfully the Master’s of Information Systems program without putting added stresses on myself and the others around me. This plan is my roadmap toward graduation. As it is noted I will be tested by both internal and external obstacles throughout this program. It will be important that I understand this and stay true to my statement of personal ethics. References Agnes, M. (2003). Webster’s New World Dictionary (4th ed. ). New York, NY: Pocket Books. Brown, J. (2007). Do You Have Personal Ethics? Retrieved from http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/pqdweb Reimer, J. (1977). A Structural Theory of Moral Development. Theory Into Practice, 16(2), 60-66. Retrieved from Professional Development Collection database University of Phoenix, T. (2010). Student Code of Academic Integrity. Retrieved from http://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aadp/studentdocuments/uophx/academic_integrity. htm
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